S4 09: October 2022 - Maranta + more

Speaking from a car park outside a guesthouse in Totnes, while nursing a mid-tour hangover, join PICTISH TRAIL for a scintillating 50 minutes or so, of Lost Map goodness.

Hullo. Pictish Trail, here. I’ve been on the road, touring for the past few weeks - and I’ve left it faaaaar too late to write any coherent show-notes for this month’s episode … but, let me tell you, it is jam packed with new tunes from L.T. LEIF, FELL and THE GN BAND, plus an interview with MARANTA about their recently released Deux Pleasure EP, and a brand new ALEXIA AVINA single. There’s also some exclusive news about our Christmas HUMBUG! shows!

To support Lost Map, and to help us release more music in 2022, join our PostMap Club. A monthly membership starts at just £3, and you'll receive printed postcards delivered to your door every month, containing downloads of new music from the label. You'll receive a membership badge, too - as well as a newsletter and discount codes for other stuff from our webshop. Gift memberships are also available. Visit lostmap.com/club for details on how to join.


1. L.T. Leif - ’No Birds'
2. Fell - ‘We Could Do Anything’
3. The GN Band - ‘I Don’t Know Why I Try’
4. Maranta - clips of Deux Pleasure EP
5. Maranta - ‘Made Of Vibration’
6. Alexia Avina - ‘Let It Die'


PostMap Club: http://lostmap.com/club
L.T. Leif on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ltleif
Maranta - Deux Pleasure EP: lostmap.com/products/maranta-deux-pleasure
Maranta - EP launch party, Edinburgh 5th October: lostmap.com/tickets/maranta-voodoo-rooms
Alexia Avina - Crush EP preorder: lostmap.com/products/alexia-avina-crush

You can find Pictish Trail over on Twitter, @pictishtrail, and Laura over at @dohoodle

Lost Map Podcast is presented by Pictish Trail. Additional production and editing by Joe Cormack

S4 01: February 2022 - Bas Jan, Maranta + More

Your favourite podcast about a Hebridean record label is back with a brand new series, and an all new format (that is actually totally the same as the last series, but with a co-host, and maybe 30% more swearing).

Isle of Eigg-dwelling / Buckfast-swilling maestro and label boss, PICTISH TRAIL is accompanied by his good pal, Scottish internet Z-List celebrity LAURA ‘Dohoodle’ DOHERTY, for a brand new, slightly revamped series of the Lost Map Podcast.

In our feature piece, all four members of BAS JAN tell us about the making of their critically acclaimed brand new album, Baby U Know. And Callum and Gloria from Edinburgh synth-poppers MARANTA join us for our regular segment, FIRST GIG WORST GIG. This segment contains a description of sexual assault. [39:00 - 46:00]

As always, we’ve got a selection of tracks from this month’s POSTMAP CLUB mail-out, including clips of new music by ALABASTER dePLUME and JENNY MOORE’S MYSTIC BUSINESS, as well as tracks from forthcoming LP releases by SAVAGE MANSION and Pictish himself.

To support Lost Map, and to help us release more music in 2022, join PostMap Club. A monthly membership starts at just £3, and you'll receive printed postcards delivered to your door every month, containing downloads of new music from the label. You also receive a membership badge, newsletter and discount codes for other stuff from our webshop. Gift memberships are also available. Visit lostmap.com/club for details on how to join.


1. Savage Mansion - ’The Crucible’

2. Jenny Moore’s Mystic Business - ’Take It Down’ (clip)

3. Alabaster dePlume - ‘Don’t Forget You’re Precious’ (clip)

4. Bas Jan - clips of Baby U Know

5. Bas Jan - ’Too Good To Be True’

6. Maranta - ‘My Man’ (clip)

7. Pictish Trail - ‘It Came Back’


PostMap Club: http://lostmap.com/club

Bas Jan live dates: https://bit.ly/bas-jan-tour

Bas Jan - Baby U Know album: https://www.lostmap.com/products/bas-jan-baby-u-know

Alabaster dePlume - Gold pre-order: https://www.lostmap.com/products/alabaster-gold

Maranta Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maranta.band/

Jenny Moore’s Mystic Business Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennymooresmysticbusiness/

Pictish Trail + Savage Mansion UK tour, March/April 2022: https://pictishtrail.co.uk/gigz

You can find Pictish Trail over on Twitter, @pictishtrail; you can find Laura @dohoodle.

Lost Map Podcast is presented by Pictish Trail. Additional production and editing by Joe Cormack.