As if you didn't already want to be BFFs with Rozi Plain enough - she of lovely songs, cool hair and fearless trouser choices - wait until you get a load of this brand new mini-documentary all about the Plainster made by Hankins Films. Ever the charmer, Rozi talks about her life and music, laughs, sends some texts on a bus, buys some fruit, laughs, does some other things then laughs a bit more, all while wearing a nice tartan jacket. Basically if you like watching Rozi Plain wearing a nice tartan jacket and laughing, then this is definitely for you.
All of this business is in honour of Rozi's new compilation album Friend of a Friend - a fine collection of previously unreleased material from fresh originals to session recordings and remixes which we recently released and which you can buy right here right now. We're happy to say that a new track from the album called'Marshes', which we brought to you for a listen in the Waypoints mailout before last, has now been added to the B-list at BBC 6 Music. Rozi's ever ongoing adventures in touring continue with dates all over England and France and Belgium and just generally the world over the next few weeks. Hooray for touring! Hooray for radio! Hooray for pals!