01 | 01 Monoganon



MONOGANON is the alias of John B. McKenna, a skilfully diverse multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, who hails from Carluke, Scotland, and is currently based in Malmö, Sweden. His 2013 album, F A M I L Y, was our first ever release on Lost Map - a mesmeric collage of distorted guitars, layered vocals and synthesised noise, ambling and diverting across wide sonic terrain, simultaneously paving the way for the label's kaleidoscopic identity.

Inevitably, John was our first choice for the V I S I T A T I O N S project. The moment he arrived on the island, he threw himself into the experience full pelt, producing an album’s worth of material over the course of his week-long stay. We’ve collected four pieces for this vinyl release, which combine field recordings with programmed electronic patterns, ambient soundscapes and atmospheric textures. “One by one, the sands are flowing”


Buy Visitations 01 | 01 Monoganon

The first release in our first series of VISIT▲TIONS was by experimental-pop musician, MONOGANON.

MONOGANON is the alias of John B. McKenna, a skilfully diverse multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, who hails from Carluke, Scotland, and is currently based in Malmö, Sweden.

The vinyl comes with a CD copy, and postcard with download code.

You can purchase it separately, or as part of Series 1 (with Free Love + Slow Tree releases).

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The Lost Map Podcast is presented by Pictish Trail, produced and edited by Joe Cormack.

In part 1, we talk a fair bit about John B’s name, the records he listened to during his teenage years, and his life in music - from his first early recordings, and ramshackle live shows, to the recording of his three albums. There’s also a good bit of chat about the legendarily unrelenting Glasgwegian metalcore monsters, Desalvo.

Part 2 is our follow-up interview, almost a year on from his residency on the Isle of Eigg, John B. McKenna - aka MONOGANON - reminisces over his experience for the VISITATIONS project. We discuss recording techniques, poly-rhythmic ratios and owls. All the good stuff.

This podcast is FREE, and available from most podcast providers. Search ‘Lost Map Podcast’ on your podcast app, subscribe in iTunes or listen directly here:
