01 | 03 Slow Tree


Slow Tree

SLOW TREE's blissfully somnambulant soundscapes are the work of Neil Hamilton Wilkinson and Abi Fry - two residents of the neighbouring Isle of Skye, and members of indomitable pastoral-rock titans, British Sea Power.

This final act in our first series of V I S I T A T I O N S captures the drawing light and darkened heavens of the mid-November mists under which it was recorded. Across four tracks of cinematic dream-folk, Slow Tree manipulate the natural reverb of the island’s caves, allowing hushed vocals, ethereal piano and sweeping viola to glide alongside the strains of swirling birds in song. “Let’s go on a journey to the last island of beauty”


Buy Visitations 01|03 Slow Tree

The third release in our first series of VISIT▲TIONS was by Slow Tree.

SLOW TREE's blissful soundscapes are the work of Neil Hamilton Wilkinson and Abi Fry - two residents of the neighbouring Isle of Skye, and members of indomitable pastoral-rock titans, British Sea Power.

The vinyl comes with a CD copy, and postcard with download code.

You can purchase it separately, or as part of Series 1 (with Monoganon + Free Love releases).

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Slow Tree Interview


SLOW TREE, aka Abi Fry and Neil Hamilton Wilkinson have a chat with podcast host Pictish Trail about their experiences as members of the band British Sea Power, their move to the Isle of Skye, and their time on the Isle of Eigg.

Abi & Neil had visited Eigg the previous year, in November of 2017, spending a week recording in Sweeney’s Bothy. The resulting songs capture the drawing light and darkened heavens of the late autumn mists under which they were recorded. This conversation was recorded on Thursday November 1st, 2018, via Skype - with Abi & Neil chatting from their home on the Isle of Skye, and Pictish Trail on the Isle of Eigg, Scotland.

This podcast is FREE, and available from most podcast providers. Search ‘Lost Map Podcast’ on your podcast app, subscribe in iTunes or listen directly here:
